Business Loan

Business Loan

What is a Business Loan?

A business loan is intended for business purposes. Managing a business is a challenging task that requires a large amount of capital. In order to remain competitive and efficient, we need to upgrade our resources regularly to provide the best service or produce quality products. Such investments might require large amounts of capital and funding. It might be challenging to obtain large sums of money in a short amount of time. As a result, it might be difficult and tedious to get a loan from banks. Business loans from licensed moneylenders in Singapore can be an option for small businesses or startups that are unable to secure financing through traditional channels, such as banks or financial institutions.

At Elite Investment & Credit Pte Ltd a reputable licensed moneylender since 2010, we believe that time is of the essence. We want to help you and your company progress.

Contact us to learn more about our business loan scheme.


  • Singapore incorporated business/company more then a year
  • Latest ACRA and company proof of income
  • NRIC/Passport/work pass of shareholder/director/partners
  • Company stamp/seal
  • Corporate bank statement
  • Tenancy agreement for place of business

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